Tangible Personal Property

All tangible personal property located in this county and used in the operation of a business or other income-producing ventures is eligible for the exemption.

Filing Requirements for your Tangible Personal Property Exemption:

In compliance with Florida Statutes, all tangible personal property (TPP) located in this county and used in the operation of a business or other income-producing venture as of January 1st of each year must be reported at 100% of the unadjusted original cost.
Property must be reported on a SJC-405 form
Get the form and other documentation with our Tangible Personal Property Filing Packet.
All business assets, regardless of value, must be reported
Use the Asset List Spreadsheet to be provided to the Property Appraiser’s Office with the return.
Send in all documents by April 1st
April 1st of the tax year in which the exemption is requested.

You may electronically file for the $25,000 TPP Exemption by submitting the completed DR-405 and supporting documents to TPP@sjcpa.gov.

Please contact our Tangible Personal Property Department at (904) 827-5500 if you have any questions or need additional information.

If this is the first year you have been in business or you have not filed before please visit here to create your TPP account.